We’ve been brainstorming inexpensive ways to spend time with your family. We all remember being young at the beach or the park flying the colorful kite that we made with our families. So to pass along our family traditions, we would like to give you a way to spend time with your family outdoors, have fun and enjoy the beautiful weather (in your J-41’s of course!!). Building a kite with your family is just that.
There are many different kinds of kites. For our example we’re going to explain to you how to make a diamond kite.
Materials and Tools:
* Construction paper (recycled preferably, BE GREEN!!)
* Crayons
* Hole punch
* Reinforcement rings (those crazy little white circle stickers for loose leaf paper)
* Scissors
* Spool of lightweight string
* 24 in. piece of yarn
* A few gentle breezes
1. Trace a diamond shape on construction paper.
2. Cut it out.
3. Decorate as desired.
4. Punch one hole on each end (top and bottom only).
5. Surround each hole with reinforcement.
6. Securely attach yarn to narrow end to form tail
7. Securely attach string to wide end
8. Take outside and fly
While wearing your comfortable J-41 shoes we want you to enjoy the weather while you can. So, get out and fly this simply made kite and enjoy the time with your family.